Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg "Founder of Social Network FACEBOOK "

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Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born in White Plains, New York, May 14, 1984, age 27 years). Son of Edward and Karen Zuckerberg. He was a computer programmer and entrepreneur from the United States. Being rich in the relatively young age because it managed to establish and develop a social networking site Facebook when I was in college with the help of Harvard friend Andrew McCollum and Eduardo Saverin roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Hughes Crish. He currently serves as CEO of Facebook. Zuckerberg was born a Jew, but he proclaimed himself an atheist.

Zuckerberg started programming when he sat in the middle school. His father taught him the BASIC Programming Atari in the 1990s and then a software developer David Newman became tutor in about 1995. Zuckerberg also took courses with the subject at Mercy College near his home in the mid-1990s. He studied at Ardsley High School where he excelled in classical field, in the first year and then moved to Phillips Exeter Academy where he jumped in Latin.

He is also designing and programming computer systems applications to help the workers in his father's office to communicate, he built a version of the game Risk, and under the name of the company's Intelligent Media Group, he built a music player called Synapse Media Player that uses artificial intelligence to learn the habits users to listen, which was posted to Slashdot and a rating of 3 of 5 from PC Magazine. Microsoft and AOL tried to buy a Synapse and recruit Zuckerberg, but he actually went to Harvard College in September 2002 where he studied computer science and joined Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternity. In college, he was known as the reader's line of epic poetry such as The Iliad.

At a fraternity party at the time of the second year, Zuckerberg met Priscilla Chan, who later became his lover. In September 2010, Chan, now a medical student, Zuckerberg moved to a rented house in Palo Alto. In September 2010, Zuckerberg studying Mandarin in preparation for the couple's scheduled visit to China and to assist in the establishment of the company's operations in China.

In 2010, Stephen Levy, who wrote a book in 1984 entitled: Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, wrote that Zuckerberg "obviously considers himself a hacker." Zuckerberg said that "it's okay to break something to make it better." Facebook held a "hackathons" held every six to eight weeks where the participants will have one night to understand and complete a project. The company provides music, food, and beer in hackathons, Facebook and many staff, including Zuckerberg, regularly attend. "The idea is that you can build something very good in one night," Zuckerberg told Levy said. "And that's part of the personality of Facebook now ... It became the core of my personality. "

In Zuckerberg's Facebook page, he writes his personal interest is "openness, making things that help people connect and share what matters to them, the revolution, information flow, and minimalist." Vanity Fair magazine, in 2010, named Zuckerberg became the number 1 from the list of "100 Ranked Most Influential People in the Information Age." Zuckerberg was ranked 23 on Vanity Fair 100 list in 2009. In 2010, Zuckerberg was chosen as number 16 in the annual survey New Statesman's 50 most influential world figures.

Zuckerberg is best to see the color blue because red-green color blindness; blue is also a dominant color on Facebook.

Forbes record as the youngest billionaire, on his own efforts and not because of the legacy, ever recorded in history. Her net worth of about six point nine billion dollars America.

During Lecture
Zuckenberg is a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi. At first Mark Zuckerberg was a student of Harvard University. Zuckerberg then create a social networking system for its class. But after he makes such a system, it turns more and more people are incorporated therein. That system has generated over time from a nearby university where he lectures, and this is the beginning of Facebook, which we know today.

From this situation, Zuckerberg took the initiative to develop the networking system. Zuckerberg initially developed this system and give the name of Facebook. Zuckerberg and his friends and then renting a place in Palo Alto, California as a place to develop Facebook. Because of preoccupation to develop the project of Facebook, Zuckerberg then forget about college. Zuckerberg faced with difficult choices between choosing education or business project he was developing. With an optimistic attitude Zuckerberg and his friends chose to abandon their studies, and projects focusing on Facebook.

Founder and Objectives

Zuckerberg launched Facebook from Harvard dorm room on February 4, 2004. An early inspiration of Facebook may come from Phillips Exeter Academy, a private high school where Zuckerberg graduated in 2002. It publishes a student directory itself, the book forces the students called "The Facebook". Such images directory is an essential part of social experience for most students at private schools. With this, students can enroll in a variety of things such as force, their closeness with friends, and their phone numbers.

After college, starting up just as the "Harvard of goods" until finally Zuckerberg decided to deploy to another school, register with the help of roommate Dustin Moskovitz. They first started from Stanford, Dartmouth, Columbia, New York University, Cornell, Brown, and Yale, and then at other schools that have social contacts with Harvard.

Zuckerberg moved to Palo Alto, California, with Moskovitz and a few friends. They rented a small house that serves as an office. During the summer, Zuckerberg met Peter Thiel who invested in the company. They got their first office in mid-2004. According to Zuckerberg, they plan to return to Harvard, but eventually decided to remain in California. They have rejected a bid by big companies who will buy Facebook. In an interview in 2007, Zuckerberg explained why:

It's not about money. For me and my colleague, the most important thing is that we create an open flow of information to people. The company is owned by media conglomerate is not only an interesting idea for me. He expressed again the same goals to Wired magazine in 2010: "All I care about is the mission, making an open world." Earlier, in April 2009, Zuckerberg seek advice from Netscape's former chief financial officer Peter Currie of the financing strategy for Facebook.

On July 21, 2010, Zuckerberg reported that the company reached 500 million users. When asked if if could get more income from advertising as a result of phenomenal growth, he explained: I think we can ... If you look at how many pages we are taken to the portion of advertising relative to the average search query. The average for us is a little less than 10 percent of the pages, and the average for the search is about 20 percent are taken with the ad. That's the simple things we can do. But we do not like it. We make enough money. True, I mean, we keep things running, we are growing at the rate we want.

source : wikipedia.org

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