Monday, July 25, 2011

Install Emoticon on Blog Posts


This is my first post about blogging tips.
when i want to post my post, I have a problem with the beauty of my post. because when I want to give expressions happy, sad, happy, and others use a combination of symbols at the keyboard, But the result is not good, even impressed no good and offending.
I want to give Emoticon on my post, that is more aesthetically appealing, and readers also do not get bored  reading my post.
Therefore, I am constantly looking for ways how to put emoticons in blog postings
Well, thank God, I found a way.

Now I will share how to / tips is to all of you.

But first, you must first download the emoticon code here.

Well, after you've downloaded it, then open the file .zip.
Inside are eMoticonizer.exe file, then click 2x.

If successful, it looks like this :

click open:

There are 2 columns HTML and BBcode.
If you want to put on blog postings, select the  HTML code.

How to set it up as follows : 
  •  when want to post, you should post on the Edit HTML pages.
  •  then, enter (copy & paste) the HTML code Emoticon accordance with your wishes.

Okay maybe it was tips from me, may be useful.



source :

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